What are your services like?

What are your services like?

A typical Sunday service at GBC could be described in the following three ways:

Our Services are Traditional

At Grace Baptist, our desire is not to entertain or to be entertained, but to worship the Lord reverently and in truth. We sing together from hymn books. We read Scripture together. Many of our people still dress up in "church clothes." While we welcome everyone and are not snobby about these things, we are definitely a traditional, conservative church.

A typical Sunday service will last about an hour with the majority of the time given to the preaching of God's Word.

Our Preaching is Expositional

In each service, our pastor takes a section of the Bible and explains what it means and how it applies to our lives today. We believe that the Bible is our ultimate authority and that God has provided us with everything we need to live successful Christian lives in His Word. This is why we will usually spend most of our gathered time in Bible preaching and teaching.

The 10 AM Bible Foundations class is focused on teaching the Bible with time given for questions, taking prayer requests, and praying together.
The 11:30 AM Morning Service is focused on the preaching of the Bible in a "typical church service" setting with congregational singing, Scripture reading, preaching, giving, and announcements.

Our Music is Conservative

Our music is intentionally not entertainment or a performance, but a time to exalt and glorify God together as a congregation. We sing from the hymn book and use hymns and songs that are doctrinally rich and keep us focus on Christ. Congregational singing is the primary emphasis of the music at Grace Baptist Church.

Who Are Your Leaders?

Our Pastor

Matt Northcutt

Pastor Northcutt has been serving at Grace Baptist Church with his family since 2019, and he became the full-time pastor in 2021. Before coming to Grace, he and his family served the Lord as missionaries in Siberia, Russia for 9 years. He earned his ministry degree at Ambassador Baptist College in Lattimore, NC in 2008 and an advanced degree in Biblical Counselling in 2023.

I want to know more about your church

More about Grace Baptist

What is your church like?


Grace Baptist Church is a friendly church made up of a bunch of imperfect people who do their best to love and serve each other. Our people love to fellowship and we dedicate 30 minutes between Sunday services specifically for fellowshiping together with coffee and treats. On any given Sunday, you'll be welcomed by people of all ages — from young children to retirees and anything in between. We are a church family, and we would love to welcome you in and make you a part of the family.


Grace Baptist Church is an independent (non-affiliated) Baptist church. This means that we are self-governing and not controlled by a denomination or association. We believe that the Bible teaches that every church should be an independent, autonomous body that is led by the pastor with decisions affirmed and voted on by its members. While we are independent, we enjoy fellowshipping and cooperating with other independent Baptist churches of like faith and practice.

Other Information

Below you'll find a link to our statement of faith which is a short summary of what we, as a church, believe the Bible teaches.